Dual 20mW direct drive power audio amplifier for headphone with shutdown |
Dual 20mW direct drive power audio amplifier for headphone with shutdown |
Dual 20mW direct drive power audio amplifier for headphone with shutdown |
Dual 20mW direct drive power audio amplifier for headphone with shutdown |
Dual 20mW direct drive power audio amplifier for headphone with shutdown |
Dual 20mW direct drive power audio amplifier for headphone with shutdown |
Dual 20mW direct drive power audio amplifier for headphone with shutdown |
Dual 105mW power audio amplifier for headphone with BassMax, I2C volume and gain control |
Dual 105mW power audio amplifier for headphone with BassMax, I2C volume and gain control |
Dual 105mW power audio amplifier for headphone with BassMax, I2C volume and gain control |
Dual 105mW power audio amplifier for headphone with BassMax, I2C volume and gain control |
MAX9728AETC+ |
Dual 60mW direct drive power audio amplifier for headphone with shutdown |
MAX9728AEUD+ |
Dual 60mW direct drive power audio amplifier for headphone with shutdown |
MAX9728BETC+ |
Dual 60mW direct drive power audio amplifier for headphone with shutdown |
MAX9728BEUD+ |
Dual 60mW direct drive power audio amplifier for headphone with shutdown |
MAX9729ETI+ |
Dual 20mW direct drive power audio amplifier for headphone with input multiplexer and I2C volume control |
MAX9730EBP+T |
2.4W BTL class-G power audio amplifier with differential input and shutdown |
MAX9730ETI |
2.4W BTL class-G power audio amplifier with differential input and shutdown |
MAX9730ETI+ |
2.4W BTL class-G power audio amplifier with differential input and shutdown |
MAX9730EWP+TG45 |
2.4W BTL class-G power audio amplifier with differential input and shutdown |
MAX9736AETJ+ |
Dual 15W BTL class-D power audio amplifier with mute, shutdown and internal voltage regulator |
MAX9736BETJ+ |
Dual 6W BTL class-D power audio amplifier with mute, shutdown and internal voltage regulator |
MAX9737ETG+ |
7W BTL class-D power audio amplifier with mute and shutdown |
MAX9738EWP+TG45 |
250mW BTL class-G power audio amplifier for ceramic ceramic/piezoelectric speaker with an integrated inverting boost converter and shutdown |
MAX9741ETN+ |
Dual 12W BTL class-D power audio amplifier with differential inputs, gain setting and shutdown |
MAX9742ETX+ |
Dual 15W BTL class-D power audio amplifier with differential inputs and shutdown |
MAX9744ETH+ |
Dual 20W BTL class-D power audio amplifier with mute, shutdown and I2C-bus volume control |
Dual 2.6W BTL (speaker) and 110mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with gain selector, DC volume control and shutdown |
Dual 2.6W BTL (speaker) and 110mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with gain selector, DC volume control and shutdown |
Dual 2.6W BTL (speaker) and 110mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with gain selector, DC volume control and shutdown |
Dual 2.6W BTL (speaker) and 110mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with gain selector, DC volume control and shutdown |
Dual 2.6W BTL (speaker) and 110mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with gain selector, DC volume control and shutdown |
Dual 2.6W BTL (speaker) and 110mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with gain selector, DC volume control and shutdown |
MAX9751ETI |
Dual 2.6W BTL (speaker) and 110mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with input multiplexer and shutdown |
MAX9751EUI |
Dual 2.6W BTL (speaker) and 110mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with input multiplexer and shutdown |
Dual 2.2W BTL class-D (speaker) and 62mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with DC volume control and shutdown |
Dual 2.2W BTL class-D (speaker) and 62mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with DC volume control and shutdown |
Dual 2.2W BTL class-D (speaker) and 62mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with DC volume control and shutdown |
MAX9753ETI |
Dual 2.2W BTL class-D (speaker) and 62mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with input multiplexer and shutdown |
MAX9754ETI |
Dual 2.2W BTL class-D (speaker) and 62mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with shutdown |
MAX9755ETI |
Dual 2.6W BTL (speaker) and 110mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with shutdown |
MAX9755EUI |
Dual 2.6W BTL (speaker) and 110mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with shutdown |
MAX9756ETX |
Dual 2.3W BTL (speaker) and 100mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with DC volume control, gain setting, ALC, shutdown and internal adjustable LDO VR |
MAX9757ETJ |
Dual 2.3W BTL (speaker) and 100mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with DC volume control, gain setting, ALC and shutdown |
MAX9758ETJ |
Dual 2.3W BTL (speaker) and 100mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with DC volume control, gain setting, ALC, shutdown and internal adjustable LDO VR |
MAX9759ETE+ |
3.2W BTL class-D power audio amplifier with differential input, gain setting, mute and shutdown |
MAX9760ETI |
Dual 3W BTL (speaker) and 200mW (headphone) power audio amplifier with input multiplexer and I2C control |
MAX9760EUI |
Dual 3W BTL (speaker) and 200mW (headphone) power audio amplifier with input multiplexer and I2C control |
MAX9761ETI |
Dual 3W BTL (speaker) and 200mW (headphone) power audio amplifier with input multiplexer and I2C control |
MAX9761EUI |
Dual 3W BTL (speaker) and 200mW (headphone) power audio amplifier with input multiplexer and I2C control |
MAX9762ETI |
Dual 3W BTL (speaker) and 200mW (headphone) power audio amplifier with input multiplexer and I2C control |
MAX9762EUI |
Dual 3W BTL (speaker) and 200mW (headphone) power audio amplifier with input multiplexer and I2C control |
MAX9763ETI |
Dual 3W BTL (speaker) and 200mW (headphone) power audio amplifier with input multiplexer and I2C control |
MAX9763EUI |
Dual 3W BTL (speaker) and 200mW (headphone) power audio amplifier with input multiplexer and I2C control |
MAX9768BETG+ |
10W BTL class-D power audio amplifier with mute, shutdown and DC or I2C volume control |
MAX9768ETG+ |
10W BTL class-D power audio amplifier with mute, shutdown and DC or I2C volume control |
MAX9775EBX+T |
Dual 1.5W BTL class-D (speaker) and 50mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with shutdown and I2C volume and mode control |
MAX9776EBX+T |
1.5W BTL class-D (speaker) and dual 50mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with shutdown and I2C volume and mode control |
MAX9776ETJ+ |
1.5W BTL class-D (speaker) and dual 50mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with shutdown and I2C volume and mode control |
MAX9777ETI |
Dual 3W BTL power audio amplifier with input multiplexer and I2C-bus control |
MAX9778ETI |
Dual 3W BTL power audio amplifier with input multiplexer, gain setting, mute and shutdown |
MAX9788EBP+T |
Class-G power audio amplifier for ceramic speaker with an integrated inverting charge-pump power supply |
MAX9788ETI+ |
Class-G power audio amplifier for ceramic speaker with an integrated inverting charge-pump power supply |
MAX9788EWP+TG45 |
Class-G power audio amplifier for ceramic speaker with an integrated inverting charge-pump power supply |
MAX9789AETJ+ |
Dual 2W BTL (speaker) and 100mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with mute, gain setting and internal LDO voltage regulator |
MAX9789BETJ+ |
Dual 2W BTL (speaker) and 100mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with mute, gain setting and internal LDO voltage regulator |
MAX9789CETJ+ |
Dual 2W BTL (speaker) and 100mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with mute, gain setting and internal LDO voltage regulator |
MAX9790AETJ+ |
Dual 2W BTL (speaker) and 100mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with mute and gain setting |
MAX9790BETJ+ |
Dual 2W BTL (speaker) and 100mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with mute and gain setting |
MAX9791AETI+ |
Dual 3W BTL class-D (speaker) and 180mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with enable control and internal adjustable LDO VR |
MAX9791BETI+ |
Dual 3W BTL class-D (speaker) and 180mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with enable control and internal adjustable LDO VR |
MAX9792AETI+ |
3W BTL class-D (speaker) and 180mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with enable control and internal adjustable LDO VR |
MAX9796EBX+T |
2.3W BTL class-D (speaker) and dual 50mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with differential inputs and I2C control |
MAX9812HEX-T |
Fixed gain microphone preamplifier |
MAX9812LEX-T |
Fixed gain microphone preamplifier |
Dual-input fixed gain microphone preamplifier |
Dual-input fixed gain microphone preamplifier |
MAX9820ETB+ |
Dual 95mW direct drive power audio amplifier for headphone with shutdown |
MAX98300ETA+ |
2.6W BTL class-D power audio amplifier with differential input, gain setting and shutdown |
MAX98300EWL+ |
2.6W BTL class-D power audio amplifier with differential input, gain setting and shutdown |
MAX98302ETD+ |
Dual 2.4W BTL class-D power audio amplifier with differential inputs, gain setting and shutdown |
MAX98303EWE+ |
Dual 3.1W BTL class-D power audio amplifier with differential inputs, gain setting and shutdown |
MAX98304EWL+ |
3.1W BTL class-D power audio amplifier with differential input, gain setting and shutdown |
MAX98306ETD+ |
Dual 3.7W BTL class-D power audio amplifier with gain setting and shutdown |
MAX98307ETE+ |
3.3W BTL class-DG power audio amplifier with gain setting and shutdown |
MAX98308EWC+ |
3.3W BTL class-DG power audio amplifier with shutdown |
MAX98309EWL+ |
1.4W BTL power audio amplifier with differential input and shutdown |
MAX9830ETA+ |
2W BTL class-D power audio amplifier with differential input and shutdown |
MAX98310EWL+ |
1.4W BTL power audio amplifier with differential input, gain setting and shutdown |
MAX98314EWL+ |
3.2W BTL class-D power audio amplifier with differential input, gain setting and shutdown |
MAX98355AEWL+ |
3.2W PCM input BTL class-D power audio amplifier with gain setting and shutdown |
MAX98355BEWL+ |
3.2W PCM input BTL class-D power audio amplifier with gain setting and shutdown |
MAX98356EWL+ |
3.2W PDM input BTL class-D power audio amplifier with gain setting and shutdown |
MAX98400AETX+ |
Dual 20W BTL class-D power audio amplifier with differential inputs and shutdown |
MAX98400BETG+ |
Dual 12W BTL class-D power audio amplifier with differential inputs and shutdown |
MAX98500EWE+ |
2.2W BTL class-D power audio amplifier with differential input, gain setting, ALC and shutdown |
MAX98502EWE+ |
2.2W BTL class-D power audio amplifier with differential input, gain setting and shutdown |
MAX9850ETI+ |
Stereo audio DAC with 40mW direct drive power audio amplifier for headphone |
MAX9851ETM+ |
Stereo audio codec with 1.25W BTL class-D (speaker), 40mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier and I2C control |
MAX9853ETM+ |
Stereo audio codec with 40mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier and I2C control |
MAX9856ETL+ |
Stereo audio codec with 40mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier and I2C control |
MAX9867ETJ+ |
Stereo audio codec with I2C control and dual 10mW power audio amplifier for headphone |
MAX9867EWV+ |
Stereo audio codec with I2C control and dual 10mW power audio amplifier for headphone |
MAX9875ERP+TG45 |
725mW BTL class-D (speaker) and dual 53mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with I2C volume and mode control |
MAX9877EWP+TG45 |
725mW BTL class-D (speaker) and dual 53mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with I2C volume and mode control |
MAX9879ERV+ |
Dual 725mW BTL class-D (speaker) and 53mW SE (headphone) power audio amplifier with shutdown and I2C volume and mode control |
Audio click and pop supressor |
Audio click and pop supressor |
Audio click and pop supressor |
Audio click and pop supressor |
MB3730A |
14W BTL power audio amplifier |
MB3731 |
18W BTL power audio amplifier with mute |
MB3732 |
14W BTL power audio amplifier |
MB3734 |
14W BTL power audio amplifier with mute |
MB3735 |
20W BTL power audio amplifier |
MBA915 |
600mW power audio amplifier with stand-by |
MBA915A |
62mW power audio amplifier with stand-by |
MC4017 |
Dual 2W BTL power audio amplifier with differential inputs, gain setting and shutdown |
MC4066 |
Dual 1.3W BTL power audio amplifier with shutdown |
MC4082 |
Dual 1.2W BTL power audio amplifier with shutdown |
MC4086 |
Dual 2.25W BTL power audio amplifier with shutdown |
MC4088 |
Dual 2.7W BTL power audio amplifier with shutdown |
MC4089 |
Dual 2.8W BTL power audio amplifier with differential inputs and separate shutdown |
MC4863M |
Dual 2.2W BTL power audio amplifier with headphone sense and shutdown |
MC4863MP |
Dual 2.2W BTL power audio amplifier with headphone sense and shutdown |
MC4863P |
Dual 2.2W BTL power audio amplifier with headphone sense and shutdown |
MC4863S |
Dual 2.2W BTL power audio amplifier with headphone sense and shutdown |
MC4873LP |
Dual 2.1W BTL power audio amplifier with headphone sense and shutdown |
MC4873M |
Dual 2.1W BTL power audio amplifier with headphone sense and shutdown |
MC4873MP |
Dual 2.1W BTL power audio amplifier with headphone sense and shutdown |
MC4890D |
1.5W BTL power audio amplifier with shutdown |
MC4890S |
1.5W BTL power audio amplifier with shutdown |
MC4990C |
1.25W BTL power audio amplifier with shutdown |
MC4990D |
1.25W BTL power audio amplifier with shutdown |
MC4990P |
1.25W BTL power audio amplifier with shutdown |
MC4990S |
1.25W BTL power audio amplifier with shutdown |
MC4996 |
1.25W BTL power audio amplifier with shutdown |
MC6205D |
1.3W BTL power audio amplifier with differential input and shutdown |
MC6205S |
1.3W BTL power audio amplifier with differential input and shutdown |
MCD4155 |
Dual 2.7W BTL class-D power audio amplifier with differential inputs and shutdown |
MCD4218 |
Dual 3.5W BTL class-D power audio amplifier with UP/DOWN volume control and shutdown |
MCD4221 |
Dual 600mW SE and 2.7W BTL class-D power audio amplifier with and shutdown |
MD2013 |
Dual 2.7W BTL class-D power audio amplifier with gain setting and separate shutdown |
MD2600 |
Dual 2.8W BTL class-D power audio amplifier with differential inputs, gain setting and shutdown |
MD3123 |
Dual 25W class-D power audio amplifier with gain setting, mute and shutdown |
MD4011 |
3W BTL class-D power audio amplifier with differential input and shutdown |
MD4101 |
1.5W BTL class-D power audio amplifier with shutdown |
MD4102D |
2.5W BTL class-D power audio amplifier with differential input and shutdown |
MD4102S |
2.5W BTL class-D power audio amplifier with differential input and shutdown |
MD4103C |
3W BTL class-D power audio amplifier with differential input and shutdown |